- Australian based company -
ABN: 86175068530
General Information:
- All products are sourced from various Print on Demand companies overseas or in Australia. This means items aren't printed unless ordered and wanted which is great for the environment.
- We try to keep the shipping charges to either free or minimal worldwide. Heavy hoodies, bed covers and bulky items like big picnic bags etc are extra because of their weight and / or size.
- Image mockups may appear to be a bit blurry if you zoom in on them. Please be assured any item printed with one of our images or digital artwork is supplied at full and high resolution and will be sharp where it should be. Mockup files are low quality so you can see what your item will look like. This is just part of the Print on Demand process.
- Where possible we have sought to use environmentally friendly companies who use sound business practices and care for their staff and planet.
- Most items have been personally tested, worn, washed, and recommended by the team at Purdie Photography Designs.
- All product images or digital artwork are original artwork copyright to Victoria Purdie of Purdie Photography.
- The products may be worn and photographed and you can tag Purdie Photography Designs on Instagram or Facebook, but images and designs may not be copied and reproduced.
- Please check the size charts and choose your items carefully so you don't have the hassle of an item you can't enjoy immediately.
- Please don't order two items in two different sizes, then try to send one back to us as they are printed especially on demand and this is not recommended.
- Items cannot be returned if you change your mind or have buyers remorse after purchase so please choose your item/s with care.
- Items may print darker than they appear on your screen as there are many varieties of screens to view on, and images printed on material are often darker or brighter than backlit devices.
- If you order two or more different products, the items may ship to you seperately as they come from different suppliers. If this happens, don't panic. Just wait a little longer until the other items arrive or contact us and we will advise if this is the case.
- Your credit card/Paypal information definately won't be stored on any database or shared. Shopify is a very secure system.
- If you need to get in touch with us, send us an email to info@ppddesigns.com.
- Design Enquiries:
- If you have an enquiry about a design on a particular product, please let us know. Not all design images are compatible with all products due to size, shape, subject matter, product type and resolution of the original image or artwork, but I can advise whether it's possible to make the product you are requesting.
- Check out our other independant design store on Redbubble at: http://www.redbubble.com/people/ppddesigns